The Cobalt Club Annex
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Well That Blows

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Well That Blows Empty Well That Blows

Post by Space Cadet 10/5/2016, 7:48 pm

Well, I'm sittin' here waitin' for Hurricane Mathew to wander through the neighborhood. Got all the supplies laid in and preparations made. And my daughter and youngest grandson got evacuated to my house. My favorite byproduct of all this, is watchin' the loons panic. Spendin' themselves broke on a bunch of stuff they'll never use and will find out later, that they can't return. The King idiots are lined up to buy shotguns.

Ah, the joys of livin' in Sunny Central Florida. Where two thirds of the population is from somewhere else. But at least they serve as entertainment for the locals. And just before Christmas, there'll be lots of never used guns, generators and campin' supplies to be had for ten cents on the dollar.

Space Cadet
Space Cadet

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Join date : 2013-04-06
Location : Been put out to pasture, gone to seed or something like that

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Well That Blows Empty Re: Well That Blows

Post by ghemrats 10/6/2016, 2:52 pm

We'll keep a prayer chain goin' for you and your family's continued safety, buddy. sunny

"WRONG! You had Special K with bananas!" What a Face

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Age : 72
Location : Bob Ufer's Meeechigan!

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Well That Blows Empty Re: Well That Blows

Post by Mars 10/6/2016, 5:07 pm

Firing up the wind manipulator to try and divert the worst of it out to sea, old chum. Hopefully it withstood the corrosive lime dripping from the roof of Niles' old weapons cave so I can fire it up...

If not, don't duck and cover... RUN!

Posts : 12
Join date : 2016-07-10

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Well That Blows Empty Re: Well That Blows

Post by Space Cadet 10/6/2016, 5:53 pm

No worries Guys. I'm 60 miles inland and the worst should stay far west of us. Our greatest worry is about losin' power for a few days. Assumin' we don't take a wild tornado in the rear. But I don't live near any trailer parks, so hopefully they'll go "Thataway."

Our greatest worry is my daughter's house. She in her infinite wisdom, lives a hundred yards inland of and seven feet above the water line of Cocoa Beach. She's safe here with us. But her house stands an excellent chance of experiencing a very sudden relocation later tonight.

Space Cadet
Space Cadet

Posts : 1070
Join date : 2013-04-06
Location : Been put out to pasture, gone to seed or something like that

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Well That Blows Empty Re: Well That Blows

Post by Space Cadet 10/8/2016, 8:49 pm

Well, we survived that one with minimal inconvenience. We never lost power, but cable TV, internet and phone service disappeared for about 18 hours. Happily, my cell service covered most of those needs.

Tomorrow we go over to Cocoa Beach to see how my daughter's house fared.

Space Cadet
Space Cadet

Posts : 1070
Join date : 2013-04-06
Location : Been put out to pasture, gone to seed or something like that

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Well That Blows Empty Re: Well That Blows

Post by ghemrats 10/8/2016, 9:33 pm

I hear flapping a bedsheet in the general direction of the hurricane can work wonders. . . . Keep us in the loop, Space, and let us know how your daughter fared with the blowhard known as Matthew.

Maybe Major Anthony Nelson and his Jeannie, who both lived in Cocoa Beach, put a protective bubble over everything.

We're here if you need us for anything, and give all best to your family.
Jeff pale

"WRONG! You had Special K with bananas!" What a Face

Posts : 1077
Join date : 2013-04-19
Age : 72
Location : Bob Ufer's Meeechigan!

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