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Shows I'm interested in

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Shows I'm interested in Empty Shows I'm interested in

Post by Niku 8/18/2019, 8:08 pm

1927; Cliquot Club Eskimo
1928: Eveready Hour, O'Cedar Mop
1929: Van Heusen Radio Program, Reid Features,
1930: Van Heusen Radio Program
1931: Van Heusen Radio Program, Bond Sunshine Hour, Vitality Hour, Radio Roundup
1932: Maxwell House Showboat, Best Foods Program
1933: Maxwell House Showboat, Captain Henry's Maxwell House Showboat, Cliquot Club Eskimo
1934: Maxwell House Showboat, Camel Caravan, Rexall Magic Hour
1935: Camel Caravan
1936: Camel Caravan
1937: Chevrolet Magical Moments, Norge All Star Varieties Show, Coca Cola Refreshment Time,


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Shows I'm interested in Empty Re: Shows I'm interested in

Post by Geezer 8/19/2019, 3:16 am

Sorry to say I have nothing for any of these titles.

A curious selection of programs, it sounds like a very specialized collection. Although not necessarily to my taste, I'd enjoy hearing more about the kinds of things you have in your collection. Is it primarily just programs of the late Twenties-Early Thirties?

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Shows I'm interested in Empty Re: Shows I'm interested in

Post by Niku 8/19/2019, 3:38 am

Simple. I'm a fan of Annette Hanshaw, and she sang on these programs during these periods of time. I could have been more specific about the dates, and I will, if need be, but this should be enough to flush out anyone who might have knowledge of the shows.

Ideally, I would like to find recordings of her performances, but I'll be content with the names of the songs for now. I might add that someone else recently found and sent me links for recordings of two of her performances in 1937 on Chevrolet Musical Moments, and I'm hoping to find more. It's not impossible. These two recordings prove that.


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Shows I'm interested in Empty Re: Shows I'm interested in

Post by dbf 8/19/2019, 6:28 am

I have a MH Showboat which she appears in -
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I have a few 1937 Chevrolet shows, but she doesn't appear to be in the ones I have.


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Shows I'm interested in Empty Re: Shows I'm interested in

Post by kdmarket 8/19/2019, 9:53 am

Niku wrote:Simple. I'm a fan of Annette Hanshaw, and she sang on these programs during these periods of time. I could have been more specific about the dates, and I will, if need be, but this should be enough to flush out anyone who might have knowledge of the shows.

Ideally, I would like to find recordings of her performances, but I'll be content  with the  names of the songs for now. I might add that  someone else recently found and sent me links for recordings of two of her performances in 1937 on Chevrolet Musical Moments, and I'm hoping to find more. It's not impossible. These two recordings prove that.


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Shows I'm interested in Empty Captain Henry's Showboat

Post by Niku 8/19/2019, 11:10 am

Thanks, so much. Unfortunately, the mixed emotions I experienced while reading your words were justified: the show you sent me was the Showboat show that I already had, the only one.  I had found the CD on the Internet several years ago. I haven't seen it since. That's the way it is on the Internet, here today and gone tomorrow. To be successful, you just have to keep looking.

Although I already had the program you sent, I consider your offering to be a success. I did manage to find the two Chevrolet Magical Moments shows in a similar way, and I expect to be finding others. Even now, I'm awaiting delivery of two CDs I ordered in the hope that they might contain a show in which Miss Hanshaw performed. Their purchase was a gamble since the ad didn't give enough information about dates. I have to hope that they won't be the same as the CD with shows from Camel Caravan. (She wasn't there)

Thanks again for you offer. It was much appreciated.


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Shows I'm interested in Empty Re: Shows I'm interested in

Post by toebig 8/19/2019, 1:13 pm

Sorry Niku, I checked and I don't have any of those.


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Post by BobbyP 8/19/2019, 1:57 pm

A clip of her is in "Recollections at Thirty" from April 17, 1957.

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Post by toebig 8/19/2019, 5:02 pm

Thanks BobbyP, I do have that one. This is for you and Niku and anyone else that wants it. ENJOY!

Recollections At 30 570417 ep43
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Shows I'm interested in Empty Annette Hanshaw

Post by Space Cadet 8/19/2019, 5:57 pm

Howdy Niku and welcome aboard. Have you checked through the material available for Ms. Hanshaw on and Youtube?

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Then Youtube.
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Shows I'm interested in Empty Re: Shows I'm interested in

Post by Niku 8/20/2019, 12:08 pm

Thanks for that. I'm very familiar with them; in fact, I have made contributions to both of them. Nevertheless, I can never get enough. I will have to say, though, that the presentation shown on the second link is very impressive. It's much better than scrolling through YouTube. As you might imagine, I have many websites that I could share, but I'll leave that for another day. Well, if there's a clamor for them....


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Shows I'm interested in Empty Re: Shows I'm interested in

Post by Niku 8/31/2019, 8:45 pm

How do you reply to posted messages? I thought I had found the way, but it disappeared, my reply, that is.


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Shows I'm interested in Empty Re: Shows I'm interested in

Post by Niku 8/31/2019, 9:07 pm

How do you reply to posted comments? I had thought that REPLY was a command used universally throughout the Internet, but it's not here. How, then, do you reply to a comment? I want to say something to dbf and BobyP.


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Shows I'm interested in Empty Re: Shows I'm interested in

Post by kdmarket 8/31/2019, 9:43 pm

Niku wrote:How do you reply to posted comments? I had thought that REPLY was a command used universally throughout the Internet, but it's  not here. How, then, do you reply to a comment? I want to say something to dbf and BobyP.

scroll down to box post what you want hit preview and send

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Shows I'm interested in Empty Shows I'm interested in

Post by Niku 9/1/2019, 1:31 am

I didn't understand you instructions, but I HAVE been able to post replies, so I kept searching for the answer. Part of it was SIGNING-IN, and when I had done that, the only puzzler was how my reply gets linked up with what I am responding to. This time I'll watch the process more carefully. (What did I do before?) Well, here goes. Ooh, now I see. Well, now I have to go back to see what the title was. Oh, for a REPLY button. It makes the process so simple. Fortunately, I have several browsers, so I just went back with Safari to see what the title was: Shows I'm interested in. That's it. Next time I'll remember how to do this. Thanks for your help.


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Shows I'm interested in Empty Re: Shows I'm interested in

Post by Niku 11/10/2019, 4:31 pm

I'm making progress, but what does the following mean? What do I have to do to get my corrected table posted?

"Uploaded file is not valid: invalid attachment name."


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Shows I'm interested in Empty Re: Shows I'm interested in

Post by Space Cadet 11/11/2019, 6:22 pm

Niku wrote:I'm making progress, but what does the following mean? What do I have to do to get my corrected table posted?

"Uploaded file is not valid: invalid attachment name."

Niku, if you're trying to upload directly to the forum, it won't work. We're a free site and don't use the service's storage. Members who share use their own cloud storage spaces and link from there to the forum through their posts. There are many online storage services which offer free cloud storage. I use Mediafire for files [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and Imgur for images [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

But others prefer sites like Mega, Dropbox or other cloud storage services. In order to keep the site free for users, we use a free server and allow them to put a few banner ads on the site. It's kept us alive and doing the continuing work locating, proofing and sharing Old Time Radio shows. That's our primary mission here. That and having a good time together as friends.

Space Cadet
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Shows I'm interested in Empty Re: Shows I'm interested in

Post by Niku 11/11/2019, 6:41 pm

There must me something one of us is missing. I've already posted two tables here. The one I'm trying to post now was intended to replace  the one  that I deleted. It is the corrected version of that one.
I can't believe that I was successful in posting  two tables by mistake or accident. No, there is a way and my two postings prove it.


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Shows I'm interested in Empty Re: Shows I'm interested in

Post by Space Cadet 11/11/2019, 7:06 pm

Niku wrote:There must me something one of us is missing. I've already posted two tables here. The one I'm trying to post now was intended to replace  the one  that I deleted. It is the corrected version of that one.
I can't believe that I was successful in posting  two tables by mistake or accident. No, there is a way and my two postings prove it.

Niku, we do get a very limited amount of storage space for free. We don't use it, because it's so small that it's not practical. You were probably successful at first, due to that space being empty. However, there isn't enough available space to upload the table you're trying to upload now. If you wish to share, it'll need to be hosted off site.
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Shows I'm interested in Empty Re: Shows I'm interested in

Post by Niku 11/11/2019, 8:22 pm

It looks like I should have played my hunch. I was going to upload the corrected table before deleting the one that was full of errors. Next time I'll know better.


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