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The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again!

Space Cadet
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The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again! - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again!

Post by Wildcat44 4/4/2023, 10:16 am

Here's what I have

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The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again! - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again!

Post by bicho 4/4/2023, 6:43 pm

hey, i see a light at some of the tables here!
keep boppin´

btw: has somebody seen my shoes?...


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The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again! - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again!

Post by ghemrats 4/4/2023, 6:57 pm

Yo you, Bicho, those lights you see flickering are being powered by Space tinkering down in the basement, charging up the coal-converted gyrocosmicrelativator for a test run.  

I've been itching to get the Room back into the swing of things, but then discovered the itch was actually due to Space's knocking over some boxes left by the former owner (a dude named Casey Diaz, whose Mexican restaurant was shut down after the Board of Health discovered he'd mistaken monkey tamarind [Mucuna pruriens] and rose hips for cayenne pepper).  Some of residual dust motes will be sucked out when we get Stanley Steamer in here this week.

So stay tooned. I've booked a return visit from Little Jack Little, who hasn't been at the Whale Room for years.  I'll let you know when he's finished rehearsing. Hey Barbara ReBop has already committed to helping out too.

PS--We found a few pair of shoes under some National Geographics and some Natural Perspirers that are decades old. You don't wear a three-inch pump set (one blue, one green) or a rather ratty pair of ballerina slippers with steel toes, do you? If not, we'll keep looking.

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The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again! - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again!

Post by Space Cadet 4/4/2023, 9:20 pm

OK, for whatever it's worth, here's an update. We're trying to move to a greener energy source, so the coal-converted gyrocosmicrelativator is now quark powered. The good news is that the power output is nothing short of amazing. The not so good news, is that the output is somewhere between unstable and reaching critical mass. But since some of our participants are also between unstable and reaching critical mass, I say we go with it.

I must also report and take full responsibility for misunderstanding the cleaning request and the resulting order mix-up. I thought you meant Stanley Steamer, the dragon from the Xanth continua. So starting Monday, there will be a 20 ton steam breathing dragon running loose around here. With the voice of a 4 year old girl and a penchant for pulling off color not so practical jokes. So, good luck and may the farce be with you.

Space Cadet
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The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again! - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again!

Post by CompleteDayMan 4/17/2023, 3:00 pm

....and here I was, checking in after my two year voyage around Planet Plinth thinking you were both still goo-goo gah-gahing over that stash of Rita photos you discovered when digging in the basement before my trip.

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The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again! - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again!

Post by gathol 9/6/2024, 10:33 am

Winding up the youtube extravaganza we have had, I have saved three Fats Waller's till the end. I thought the Jump Jivin' Whale Room would be the appropriate place to post these. Enjoy! I only see a Goldin description for one of these.

Fats Waller 380712 First Song - The Joint Is Jumpin - NBC Summer Carnival - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Fats Waller 380910 First Song - Marie - Broadcast to America - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Fats Waller and His Orchestra. October 18, 1938. Sustaining. A band remote from "The Yacht Club," New York City. The first tune is, "You Can't Be Mine and Somebody Else's Too." The first 15:00 of the program only. Fats Waller and His Orchestra. 15:00, Audio Condition: excellent audio, incomplete.

Notice Goldin says this is incomplete and only the first half of the program. What I have seems to be COMPLETE.

Fats Waller 381018 First Song - You Can_t Be Mine and Somebody Else_s Too - New Yacht Club New York City - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


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The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again! - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again!

Post by BobbyP 9/6/2024, 2:05 pm

gathol wrote:
Fats Waller 380910 First Song - Marie - Broadcast to America - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I believe the date of this one should be September 9, 1938, 7:45 EST on the Blue network.

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The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again! - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again!

Post by gathol 9/7/2024, 10:07 am

BobbyP wrote:
gathol wrote:
Fats Waller 380910 First Song - Marie - Broadcast to America - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I believe the date of this one should be September 9, 1938, 7:45 EST on the Blue network.

Thanks BobbyP! Yes, it was probably the 10th in the UK when Fats got done with the performance!


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The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again! - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again!

Post by bicho 9/10/2024, 5:25 pm

thanks for bringing live in the jump jivin´ whale room again! and with good old thomas wright "fats" waller!
keep boppin´

gathol wrote:Winding up the youtube extravaganza we have had, I have saved three Fats Waller's till the end.  I thought the Jump Jivin' Whale Room would be the appropriate place to post these.  Enjoy!  I only see a Goldin description for one of these.

Fats Waller 380712 First Song - The Joint Is Jumpin - NBC Summer Carnival - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Fats Waller 380910 First Song - Marie - Broadcast to America - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Fats Waller and His Orchestra. October 18, 1938. Sustaining. A band remote from "The Yacht Club," New York City. The first tune is, "You Can't Be Mine and Somebody Else's Too." The first 15:00 of the program only. Fats Waller and His Orchestra. 15:00, Audio Condition: excellent audio, incomplete.

Notice Goldin says this is incomplete and only the first half of the program.  What I have seems to be COMPLETE.

Fats Waller 381018 First Song - You Can_t Be Mine and Somebody Else_s Too - New Yacht Club New York City - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


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The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again! - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jump Jivin' Whale Room Lives Again!

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